The New Year Now

Let go of the old & allow the unimaginable new.

The New Now



(1) releasing & finding stillness in the unease

Alright, it’s time to let go of the past wounds and fears that still make their way into your today. Anything that continues to trigger you is an emotional memory from the past. Whether they’re from your childhood, relationships or society telling you that you’re 'not enough’. We are releasing them!

When too much of your space is taken up by the old and dusty, there isn’t any room for the new. And the space you create for the new, will be the new ‘new’ - full of opportunity for joy.

Week One: We start off by going into stillness for two hours. You’ll be going deeper into your awareness than you ever have before. By doing so, you’ll be shifting away from the mind and into the present. In the stillness, you will allow any bit of unease to show up and give it the space to be released.

Week Three: Back into stillness we go! For another two hours, you will find peace within everything (even fearful mind topics), appreciation & a foundation within that allows us to feel safe and secure regardless of external circumstances. 

Read more on the freedom of releasing the past.

Also, learn what the ‘unconditioned mind’ is and how to develop.

(2) allowing the new on the daily

When you let go of old attachments, how do you ensure new ones don’t take their place? You’re going to learn, practice and integrate new ways of working, eating, connecting & self caring. This way, you not only release yourself of past programming, but you also live with intention and peace. You become more creative and intuitive. You share and connect authentically.

This is a daily practice of bringing your awareness into every moment, especially the ones that bring on stress and tension in the body.

Week Two: Tailored one-hour coaching to integrate new rituals into daily life. I share insights and practices of how to keep centered, even in chaos.

Week Four: Another hour for us to reflect on the last four weeks and create a heart-centered plan of positive action.

A helpful post on how to integrate ease into daily life.

(3) you got a friend in me

You will not be left hanging! Releasing the old to welcome the new is a beautiful and courageous act that requires grace & strength.

After our month together, you put your new heart-centered plan into action. And along the way, provide me updates via email or voice notes & receive the same from me. After a month, we’ll hop on a call to chat about how you’re feeling and any new mental stories that are showing up.

Week five through nine: emails, voice notes & a one-hour call to discuss how the new now is feeling!


Hey, I’m Nishi.

I’ve studied yoga, consciousness & mindfulness and integrated the lessons into the practice of letting go and living in the now.

This practice of presence and intention has allowed me to feel more worthy within, appreciative for all of life, and at ease.

Book Your Spot

The New Now

4 hours: letting go of old hurts, problems & fears

2 hours: integrating presence, joy & ease into daily life

1 hour: follow up & accountability

($700) $444