Act with Joy

Over 8 weeks, you will continue to take action on your intuitive ideas and on what brings you joy. You will let go of the mind’s control and move forward (or flow) with life in an easeful and intentional way

Act with Joy

8 weeks of connecting to your intuition, releasing blocks, and taking positive action


This is for you if…

  • You are always future tripping or thinking about the past and have a hard time being grounded in the present moment. Your mind is chewing on different things all the time - you have particular spots where your mind is obsessed and fixated. 

  • You have a hard time trusting and having faith in a particular area of your life. Maybe you’re obsessed with trying to get a promotion or get pregnant or get a partner or get the perfect body. Your mind can’t stop thinking about it 24/7. When it comes up, you say to yourself: “I KNOW this, but I can’t shake it.”

  • You want to have it all - you want to both feel flowy, connected, peaceful, easeful AND be productive, creative, and take action. You’re not a monk in the mountains, you have a real-life!

  • You can hear your intuition and even write to it but need some hand-holding in going deeper to apply its words of wisdom to all life situations, especially tricky ones.


By the end, you will have…

Mastered trust, surrender, and faith especially in the areas your mind has continuously felt thirsty. 

Become more creative, innovative, and curious by coming back to the core of who you really are. 

Accessed your life purpose and instilled an inner knowing of worthiness.

How it works…

You’ll get 8 calls and 8 weeks of email support.

  • 90-min call each week 

  • Available to answer any questions via email 

  • Calls will be recorded so you can review anytime

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Act with Joy

Take action on your joy


Or, sign up for a free call to chat!



So what are we exactly going to do together?

The coaching is 100% tailored to you. Which means that as you learn, we will apply the concepts directly to your life in real-time. There will be a mix of connecting to your inner voice, releasing past blocks and making a plan of action for you to move forward on your joy.

But it’s only a few hours with you. Will it be enough?

Yes! The purpose of coaching is to ensure that lessons are integrated immediately so you can walk away from each call, feeling invigorated and ready to make some big changes!

Are your coaching sessions in person?

No. Sessions are over Zoom (and recorded) to accommodate you no matter where you are in the world!

Can I get a refund?

Packages are non-refundable because I require you to 100% commit to your own success. I encourage you to review the terms and conditions.

Is there a payment plan?

Yes! Please inquire about payment plan options on your free consultation call with me.

How do we start working together?

Book here or see above to sign up for a free chat!

Ready to get started?


About me.

Once I started expanding my awareness and realizing that I wasn’t my mind, I felt so free. But, only in moments.

I had studied from great teachers like Joe Dispenza, Jess Lively, and Eckhart Tolle. I listened to Abraham Hicks videos on the regular to further my understanding of the Law of Attraction. I changed my daily routine so that I did things from a place of alignment vs. from a place of control. 

But I found that days that brought in unknown variables (hellooo Covid-19) and changes I couldn’t have accounted for (hellooo canceled plans), I felt as though I was back to square one. Caught up in the mental noise once again, with no idea how to get back to the good-feeling state.

The power of these situations is that it teaches us how to master our ability to surrender, trust, and stay in the present moment. 

I fully integrated intuition in ALL areas of my life, even in the big scary stuff which I previously felt was too fragile and serious. I allowed myself to let go of even more mental stories around money, health, and safety. With every release of a story, I found the foundation I created within become stronger. 

I found that when I could remove the mind’s focus on some fear of the future, there was a hidden opportunity in my present circumstances. In every moment of life, I found a gift. 

I know what wanting to give up feels like. The feeling of doing everything right - meditating, becoming aware of mind patterns, engaging in positive thinking, etc. - but hitting roadblock after roadblock because of life situations that are beyond one’s control. Even in these moments, presence exists. Joy exists. And your journey exists. 

I am going to help you come back to your path and realize that within every roadblock that you encounter, a gift for you exists.