Learn How to Listen 
to Your Intuition

Over 4 weeks, you will learn what your mind is designed to do and what your intuition is. By the end of this package, you will have learned how to become aware of your mind vs. your intuition and of your stories and patterns. You will realize what’s YOU (and what’s coming from your loving heart and soul) versus a bad story on repeat.

By the end of this package, you will have…

  • Learned how to become aware of your mind (especially its stories, patterns, and anxious thoughts) vs. your intuition

  • Discovered how to achieve that stillness and awareness (that you feel on the yoga mat after a great class) on a regular basis (and not just in yoga)

  • Build a foundation within that helps ground you -- even in uncertain times

  • Learned how to watch your thoughts so that you can determine what’s coming from your heart versus negative mental chatter

  • A tailored way to replace fearful and anxious thoughts so that you can come back to presence

This package is for you if…

You have a lot of mental noise and don’t know how to turn it off. You even have a hard time falling asleep! You end up falling into the trap of listening to the world’s noise and not your own intuition.

You have an overwhelming amount of negative thoughts and feelings so you distract yourself through binge-watching reality TV, eating too much vegan mac & cheese, or scrolling through Instagram for an hour. Your negative beliefs and fears feel like little leeches that you just can’t shake off. 

You’re all about the good vibes, you love positive affirmations, and you gravitate towards the cute signs that say “good vibes only” BUT you’re not sure how to feel them. You try to surround yourself with these high-vibe things and your room might have tons of crystals, but you are NOT feeling that way on the inside. It almost feels impossible to feel good.

You simply don’t know the difference between your feelings and your intuition. Or, your fear and your intuition.


I’ve been in your shoes.

It took me until my late twenties to realize that I was not my mind or its thoughts, emotions, fears, and anxieties.

Up until that point, I severely limited the full expression of “me.” The endless number of beliefs + fears stuck to me like a pair of sunglasses I could only see through. “I am not worthy of starting my own business.” “I am not creative enough to write.” “New things are too scary for me so I better stick to the known!”

I knew I had these bad beliefs and fears but had no clue how to see through them. 

I turned to podcasts, books, and yoga classes and felt great as I listened, read, and meditated. But when they were over, I didn’t know what to do next.  

As I learned to become aware of my mind’s stories, anxious thoughts, and limiting beliefs, I could finally connect to my intuition and understand the difference between the two. 

I built a foundation within that helps ground me, even in uncertain times. And I learned how to watch my thoughts so I can quickly catch the negative mental chatter and move into clarity from my intuition’s guidance. 

Understanding my mind, realizing its patterns, and delving into neuroscience led me to the felt realization that the “type-A, control freak” wasn’t actually me. It was a part of me that had learned to react to change (and chaos) with control and anxiety. 

The part of me that learned to react to life with control and anxiety began when I was 8 years old. I wish someone had taught me at an early age that I wasn’t my mind or its thoughts or its judgements - OR anyone else’s judgement. 

Life is supposed to be a joyous experience. I’m here to help redirect nonstop thinking - that keeps us from enjoying life - and transform it into positive action while listening to the best guide there is, our hearts.

I am going to help you tap into your intuition and let go of the mind anxieties so you can live an easeful and flowy life.

How It Works

You’ll get 4 calls and 4 weeks of email support!

  • 90-min call each week 

  • Available to answer any questions via email 

  • Calls will be recorded so you can review anytime

I’m your perfect teacher because…

  • I shifted from anxiety + control to joy & ease 

  • My background in teaching yoga and meditation to new students 

  • 10+ years of working on the betterment of wellbeing 

  • I break down concept knowledge into simple step by step application, making it all much easier to understand

My background + experience led me to study and integrate wellbeing, presence, and intuition into my own life. Based on my trial and error process, I condense the knowledge and help you apply it in a much easier way. 


Learn How to Listen to Your Intuition

Learn the difference between your intuition and mind



“It sometimes takes mental health or physical health issues to make us stop and wake us up to the fact we have been living a life we didn't choose with our hearts. Imagine if you grew up understanding how to listen to your heart? Knowing how to let the mind take a break sometime? I'm so excited for this next generation of kids that know listening to their heart is the most important thing. I can't wait to see that world of people.”

— Rachel of Rock & Co

“Thank you for writing this book and making it easier for conscious parents to introduce these important concepts to our young children."

— April Behunin, Mom & Therapist

“Nishi is a talented writer who, in an easy way, revealed such deep learning for children.”

— Lera, Illustrator



Hmm...so what are we exactly going to do together?

The coaching is 100% tailored to you. Which means that as you learn, we will apply the concepts directly to your life in real-time. Here’s a little taste of the step-by-step process:

The first step: education. Understanding the function and role of both the intuition and mind.

The second step: the partnership. We will go through real world examples of how to create an ever-lasting “friendship” between the two in day-to-day life.

The third step: trial + error. We are learning and applying in real time! The bumps we encounter are only there to teach us to go back to the basics (education) and to understand the role of the intuition and the role of the mind in this particular “bump.” 

The fourth step: mastery! Getting really really good at the partnership. It becomes second nature or dare I say, human nature :)

But it’s only a few hours with you. Will it be enough?

Yes! The purpose of coaching is to ensure that lessons are integrated immediately so you can walk away from each call, feeling invigorated and ready to make some big changes!

Why don’t you offer single sessions?

Our work together is all about transforming your current reality with a new approach to life! Any amount of time you spend expanding your awareness leads to changes, but for the BIG change, consistent and committed work does the trick.

Are your coaching sessions in person?

No. Sessions are over Skype (and recorded) to accommodate you no matter where you are in the world!

Can I get a refund?

Packages are non-refundable because I require you to 100% commit to your own success. I encourage you to review the terms and conditions.

Is there a payment plan?

Yes! Please inquire about payment plan options on your free consultation call with me.

How do we start working together?

Complete the questionnaire and book your free consultation call to ensure we’re the right fit to work together!


Ready to get started?