Not Feeling ‘Enough’

Why would we ever feel “not enough”? 

Once in an RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy, a type of hypnosis) session that I received, I remembered my birth experience. I couldn’t see anything specific except white light with blurry images and I could feel myself moving. And in that moment, I felt complete, perfect and beautiful. That is what I was feeling at the moment of coming into this world. 

But then, somewhere while being in this world, I start to feel not enough. I started tying my worthiness to outside sources like how people treated me, how loved I was and what people said to me. I let the world tell me who I was. I learned the things to do and not to do in order to avoid being judged and never weird.

The memory of the birth experience is one I go to time-to-time to remember that we came in feeling worthy and whole. But we lost that feeling because we got too distracted from listening to other people telling us who we are. 

But guess what you can do now: decide who you are. You have that ability to. 

In order to do so, you have to take responsibility for your life. This means, not blaming others for your limited beliefs and realizing you have (and always had) the power to be you. Not the extension of anybody else. 

Play around with this. If you believe you are bad at yoga, start telling yourself a different story. That “bad at yoga” belief is most likely there because you compare yourself to another person in a yoga class or an online video who was more flexible or who held a plank longer than you. You are taking in a story from the outside world but you don’t have to do that to yourself. Especially if you want to keep practicing yoga, start calling yourself a yogi. Or someone who is great at yoga.  

I thought I was a poor public speaker for a long time. And that passed when I could move my attention away from the story of being “bad at speaking” and onto the content I’m speaking on. If I’m fully focused on what I want to say, I don’t have time to spend on the negative beliefs. 

That feeling of “not enough” isn’t your true self speaking. It’s just the layers of beliefs we’ve taken on from the outside world. 


Take Off the Armor!


Surrendering to Flow